
AnimatorTool is a "useful tool for work that needs frame display".

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Convenient for various timing measurements!

When making Movie

  • Measure cut switching timing
  • Measure the timing when letters appear
  • Measure the timing of sound pronunciation
  • etc.

When making Game

  • Measure while the character accumulates power
  • Measure the timing when an effect comes out after attack
  • Measure the timing when the sound effect comes out
  • etc.

When making animation

  • Measure between serif and serif
  • Measure the time the character is thinking
  • Measure cut switching timing
  • Measure time to FadeOut
  • etc.

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Make work faster that needs "frame"!

Don't you try many times,when you did'nt got a good timming?

When you do animation work such as "When creating animation", "When editing Movie", "When timing instruction is issued", the unit "frame" is always necessary.


  • FPS (frame rate) is different with work kind...
  • Even if it is measured with a stopwatch, it must be convert to frame...
  • Even if converted, it was wrong...

As a result, We have to redo so many times to get a good timmings...

So this app is useful!

  • Set up FPS
  • Record timing with stopwatch

Only this, we will "show the recorded timing in frame with the specified FPS"!

Also, after recording the timing, even if "it was not the intended FPS", we will recalculate the frame to display by changing the FPS later.

* Restrictions on each function are released by in-app purchase.

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"Stopwatch function" that can be displayed with frame

  • Record elapsed time from START to STOP and display Frame.
  • TotalDisplay
  • Record SPLIT (elapsed time since START) with the specified FPS, and "Frame" is displayed in a list.
  • TotalDisplay
  • Difference between SPLITs is indicated by Frame.
  • DifferenceDisplay
  • When you tap SPLIT, iPhone will speak "SPLIT Frame" in the setted language setted on iPhone.
  • While the stopwatch is running, Stop iPhone sleep function(if sleep was setted) .
  • The stopwatch can be up to 10 minutes. After 10 minutes elapsed, stopwatch will stops automatically, and resumes sleep of iPhone (if sleep was setted).

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You can choose various frame rates

  • 23.976 fps (24fps drop)
  • 24 fps
  • 25 fps
  • 29.97 fps (30fps drop)
  • 30 fps
  • 48 fps
  • 50 fps
  • 59.97 fps (60fps drop)
  • 60 fps
  • 120 fps

When you changed FPS, that will saved, and used when you restart app. It is not necessary to re-specify FPS many times.

* When you use DropFrame, it is actually dropped but it is different from time code notation (ex. 2f deletion on every minute) because it is converted in elapsed seconds.

* Restrictions on each function are released by in-app purchase.

* If you want a new FPS, please request from the contact form. I will cope as much as possible.

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Possible to Integer display for Frame and seconds:

"Sec" and "frame" (exclusion "TIME") can be display as integers.

IntTotalDisplay IntListDisplay
  • - Gear icon > Application setting - Display as integer

* Restrictions on each function will release by in-app purchase.

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